Partner Case Studies

Learn how our other partners have used FreeWill's tools to grow and thrive

Our partners get results

Success stories (1)-2-1-1



We've helped to raise over $9B in commitments for nonprofit organizations, and partner with more than 1,450 nonprofits ranging from global human rights organizations to hospitals, religious institutions, food banks, animal shelters, universities, museums, and more. 


The case studies below highlight how some of our most successful partners have used FreeWill to grow their fundraising. Read on!



Bequest stories



How AHA took 3 effective steps to build relationship with legacy donors and confirm gifts

Read their story


How YNHH uses FreeWill to expand legacy outreach & better serve their supporters

Read their story


How the Boys and Girls Club of Newark kickstarted legacy giving and raised nearly $1M in bequests

Read their story

SUNY Brockport capitalizes on the Great Wealth Transfer, raising $1.2M in just 9 months


Read their story



Stocks stories 



QCD stories


How Second Harvest is using QCDs & legacy gifts to tackle hunger in Silicon Valley

Read their story


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Trusted by the smartest minds in planned & major giving

Success stories (1)-2-1-1


“FreeWill addresses a critical gap in legacy fundraising: how to actually get the documents completed.”


Dr. Russell James

Professor of Charitable Financial Giving

Texas Tech University

hillary newton

"FreeWill has been one of the most market-savvy vendors we've collaborated with, offering helpful strategy ideas and great copy."


Hillary Newton

Content Manager

Operation Underground Railroad


"I think you're putting your finger on the pulse of what charitable organizations want and need to promote. I think it's very smart. It's exciting, and I'm excited to be in this space with you. You're creating a whole new class of philanthropists."


Brian Peterson

Director, Legacy and Gift Planning

Human Rights Watch


“I’ve always told donors that estate planning is easier done than said. FreeWill makes that possible and we’re excited to be offering it to our supporters and alumni.”


Harry Need

Director of Planned Giving

University of Alaska Foundation

Jeff McCormick

"FreeWill is the missing piece of this puzzle. It starts a conversation and creates this almost audible buzz around the topic. Larger donors hear the buzz and want to be a part of it so they step forward and that's already proving to be so valuable. The excitement is real in our office, on a Director level."


Jeff McCormick

Director of Development and Planned Giving

Saint Ignatius High School

Sabrina Da Rocha

"We love working with you all. It's an amazing product and we are so thankful for all of the support that you give us. We hope to partner with FreeWill for as long as CurePSP exists!"


Sabrina Da Rocha

Marketing Manager