Partner Learning Desk

If you're looking for a safe space to ask questions about the FreeWill partnership, fundraising, or nonprofit marketing; want additional face time with FreeWill; or just need some together-time with peers in the industry...


...our office door is open!


We're trying something new. You're invited to join Nonprofit Training Lead Lauren Winther-Hansen and other FreeWill experts on the last Wednesday of each month for interactive discussion and Q&A on various topics of interest. Ask us anything you like. 


See the form to the right (below, on mobile) for upcoming dates and topics.


Who should join? Any FreeWill partner interested in the published topic

Attendance: Limited to 15 people per session

Engagement level: High - bring your questions and be ready to participate in discussion

Will it be recorded? No


Remember, space is limited. Save your spot today!


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