Recorded partner training

Planned Giving Basics (101)

Length: 52 minutes
CFRE: Eligible for 1.0 continuing education credit


Donors who support you during life often want to extend that support with a gift that fuels your mission after they're gone. Those gifts provide future funding to help you meet challenges you've not yet imagined.


If you're investing in planned giving, you're on the right track. Trillions of dollars will change hands in the next 2-3 decades as part of the Great Wealth Transfer, and positioning your organization to benefit is key to your program's success.


In this session, we cover:

  • Why now is a critical time for gift planning in the U.S.
  • The basics of the most common planned gift vehicles
  • How these gift types differ, and what type of donor each appeals to
  • Tips to start or revitalize a planned gift program
  • Communicating the impact of planned giving to your team


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