Partner training recording

Creative ideas to drive year-over-year results

You partnered with FreeWill to jump start a planned giving program or take an existing program to the next level. You embraced our best practices for planned giving outreach and are sharing the FreeWill products with your donors. Now, you're in Year 2, 3, or even 4 of your partnership. How can you sustain (and boost!) your FreeWill results long-term?


This session shared creative ideas to help drive results in year two and beyond, and we're not the only ones with great ideas! We invited attendees to share their own ideas and inspiration about what drives long-term success with the FreeWill planned giving products.

In this session, we:
  1. Touched on what's changing in 2023
  2. Reviewed FreeWill's best practices for planned giving outreach
  3. Explored FreeWill's creative marketing ideas for year two and beyond
  4. Opened the floor to attendees to share their creative outreach ideas

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